MTK Alerta Institutu Autónomu Lalori Dividas Ba 2024
TL Tenke Preparadu Ba Mundu Teknolójia
Hafoin MTC, Sua Exelensia Miguel Marques Gonçalves Manetelu, ekontru ho Enkaregadora Australia Caitlin Wilson, delegasaun foto hamutuk. (Foto/Media MTC/AdãoVieira)
S.E. Ministro dos Transportes e Komunikasaun, Eng. Miguel M.G.Manetelu Akompanha husi Diretur DNIC Eng. Ambrosio Manuel Barreto Amaral,L.Ed.,MM Vizita Direita Data Center
Submarine Fiber Optic Cable System
East Timor's Aero Dili
Membru Oitavu lideradu Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, antes atu halo reuniaun konsellu ministru hodi aprova orsamentu ratifikativu, iha Pallasu Governu, kuarta 09/08.


Article 21. º

Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste


1.      The Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste, short-mind called CIVIL AVIATION

AUTHORITY OF TIMOR-LESTE, is a public institution whose mission and regular

assignments, oversee, supervise and inspect the civil aviation sector in all its aspects, namely

certify and license the activities of commercial air transport aircraft and inspected to ensure the safety of passengers and civil aviation, holding the necessary prerogatives of authority to the full accomplishment of their duties.

2.      CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF TIMOR-LESTE is governed by its own statutes,

approved by the Decree Law No. 8/2005, of 16 November.